Be obese or very skinny?

  • April 4, 2024

Now, before we dive into this dilemma, let’s set the stage. Imagine yourself in a world where the laws of physics and biology are more lenient than usual, and societal norms have taken a vacation. It’s a realm where the scale holds no sway over your self-worth, and your body shape is merely a quirky accessory to your fabulous personality.

Option 1: Embracing the Pounds – Obesity Edition πŸ”

Ah, the joys of being pleasantly plump! In this corner, we have the champions of curves, the aficionados of all things indulgent. Picture yourself savoring every bite of that extra-large pizza, relishing the comforting embrace of your favorite couch, and waddling through life with a contented smile on your face.


  1. Never go hungry – Snacks? Check. Seconds? Absolutely.
  2. Built-in cushioning – No need for seat cushions when you’ve got your own plush padding.
  3. Instant icebreaker – Who needs small talk when you can bond over a mutual love for dessert?


  1. Limited wardrobe options – Say goodbye to skinny jeans and hello to stretchy pants.
  2. Health concerns – Obesity can come with its fair share of health risks, so keeping an eye on your well-being is a must.
  3. Squeezing through doorways – Watch out for those narrow passages!

Option 2: Skinny Minnie’s Slim Adventures πŸ₯—

And in the opposite corner, we have the lean machines, the masters of metabolism! Picture yourself effortlessly gliding through crowds, dodging gusts of wind like a graceful gazelle, and squeezing into those coveted skinny jeans with ease.


  1. Fashionista’s dream – Your wardrobe is your runway, and everything looks fabulous on you.
  2. Speedy metabolism – Enjoy guilt-free indulgences without worrying about the scale tipping in the wrong direction.
  3. Energy for days – With a lighter load to carry, you’ll have boundless energy to tackle life’s adventures.


  1. Endless hunger – Keeping up with your lightning-fast metabolism means constant snacking is a must.
  2. Cold intolerance – Who needs a blanket when you’re shivering your way through every season?
  3. “Eat a sandwich” comments – Brace yourself for the occasional concern-trolling from well-meaning friends and family.

The Verdict:

In the end, the choice between obesity and skinniness boils down to personal preference. Whether you prefer the comfort of curves or the sleekness of slimness, remember that your worth extends far beyond the number on a scale.

So, embrace your body, quirks and all, and revel in the delightfully diverse tapestry of humanity. After all, life is too short to sweat the small stuffβ€”especially when you’re too busy enjoying that extra slice of cake!

Until next time, keep pondering those peculiar questions, and may your choices be as whimsical as your imagination.

Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash